Saturday, May 9, 2020

My camp leader who fucked me

In late July, I was 13, I went to the three-week-long gymnastics camp, by the coast of the sea, for the first time.

We were in army barracks, not too well aired out since their usage last year. The boys were in theirs and the girls in other barracks. Each room, with 24 boys or girls had a leader, most commonly an army NCO for the boys or an army nurse for the girls.

The gymnastics program started on day one.

At first, I was out of shape but soon it dawned on me, I am quite agile.

As the days progressed, I became more and more at ease with the routines. I was soon selected for the elite team and we did so much more. 

Sure, I did fall occasionally. Once I tripped off a high beam, about two metres from the ground. I grabbed hold on one of the support poles and slid all the way down.

The skin on my chest took quite a scrape. I bled a bit and the local nurse was called in to patch me up.

To my embarrassment or pride, I performed with a white bandage around my chest on the last, final show-the-parents day.

Being in the gym team was great. Half of the participants were girls. I quite enjoyed looking at them. I was probably quite a voyageur.

I had a pair of very tight one-size-too small swim-trunks to wear under my gym shorts so I wouldn't be showing any immoral parts when watching the girls on the field. My sometimes rising penis was squeezed up and held tightly against my stomach.

I was back at summer gymnastics again the next year, when 14.

The camp looked the same, but we had some new leaders.

My lodging had a new supervisor, one I hadn’t met before. He liked us, the boys, more than the one we had last year, and spent a lot of time with us in the lodging.

Sometimes he would sit with a boy, reading a newspaper. I noticed that some of the boys moved away as he came close but thought nothing of it.

Then, one evening, he came and sat close to me, with the proverbial newspaper in his hands.

I noticed how his free hand moved and started to fondle my testicles. We were interrupted when someone came in. I moved away.

The next night, he was back again. This time, covered by the newspaper, he fondled me more deliberately. 

I didn’t suffer and didn’t object. After all, my testicles had been fondled by girls the preceding winter and I had learned to like the feeling. It even gave me an erect penis. 

More hands? No real problem.

I became apprehensive when he, being a lot heavier than little skinny me, the gymnast, lifted me enough to reach my anus. There he put his finger inside. 

To have something in your anus was not an altogether unique experience. In those days the only way to take the temperature was to use a rectal thermometer, and they were made thick and solid so they wouldn't break in use.

I didn’t react at first and he did the same thing the next night.

This was all done on the quiet, usually when we were alone. I noticed that his hand smelled of vaseline soap. 

That must have been the lubricant.

The next evening he invited me to move even closer and sit on his lap. It was a warm summer and we all wore loose gym shorts.

My anus was a bit softened up from repeated visits by his finger the days before and I could feel how the tip of his hard dick would seek its way in. We were still covered by the newspaper so none of the few boys in the cabin would notice.

I could feel how his dick throbbed as he ejaculated inside me the first time. I had to visit the toilet afterward to dispose of the "white stuff".

I didn't find the experience unpleasant and liked the attention that I got from this leader during day time. 

He liked to have me sit on his penis again, slowly rocking in and out, a little deeper each evening. We did that many times when we were alone in the dormitory.

With time, I learned to like the feeling. It became quite pleasant, and I was looking forward to receiving his penis.

Sometime later he pushed too hard. He entered me too deeply and that hurt.

I instantly stood up and walked out.

From that day we never exchanged a single word between us. I focused on girl watching and totally forgot what had happened, these events were of absolutely no significance in my life to come.

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