Thursday, July 5, 2018

Why did I quit my last job?

I was working in a very senior sales position for a company in Canada that exported to at least 15 countries.
I had just come back from a couple of weeks overseas, seeing some of our European customers in several countries.
My boss (not born in Canada) said:
“Bengt, you have to go back to Sweden (!), I have a very important document for Mr. Johansson to sign.”
“Why? - I just had a BBQ with him and his family in his back yard in Sweden?”
“It is personal - you have to bring it yourself.”
“Can we not use DHL, the post office or Purolator?”
“Nope, you have to bring it and have it signed - then bring it back here.”
He left for lunch. I looked over the sheet and saw some more similar documents on my boss’ desk
- and -
I left his office, picked up my stuff, called HR from the parking lot and said:
“I resign, please send me my last paycheque in the mail.”
They did, I got it in a week.
My boss never called, never asked anything.
What did I see?
Agreements to pay kick-back to some of our customers.
The company went bankrupt a year later, leaving 240 employees without a job.

That day, I drove home with a sweaty forehead and clammy hands. What have I done - quit just like that?

I had no hobbies, not many friends and really not much to look forward to at that moment. I had been an all-company man for too long.

The next morning I dressed for work as usual. Then I laid back down on  my bed and continued on my book from last night.

That felt really good. I got a few ideas on what else I'd like to do with my free time.

Before lunch-time I had called my pension fund holders, found out that I had enough to retire - and - I never worked a day again in my life. That was 15 years ago.
I am still a happy retiree…and have traveled to another 22 countries since then.
(True story.)

If you want to read my memors, "The seasons of Man", buy the book here:

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